Conversion, translations, character outline, DTP and typesetting
What the Typesetter has to offer for your Vietnamese typesetting?
The Typesetter can also supply Vietnamese translations if these have not already been arranged. As a division within translation agency All Translations, we can offer you almost every language at a reasonable price. Your time is precious, and we won’t waste a second!
If you have an Indesign file that needs translating and you need text processing as well, we can offer you a special discount. This option can even save up to 60% of the cost!
Email to or call +31 50 535 2587 for further information.
The Typesetter converts your Vietnamese (scanned) pdf files and imports it into Indesign and/or Illustrator.
The Typesetter employs equivalent typefaces for Vietnamese. Consequently, the result resembles the original text. The layout of your books, brochures, manuals, labels and business cards will look smart and professional!
There are two options for delivering the file to the printer. Do you want to be able to make changes? We will create an outline format (EPS) file and insert the Vietnamese text in the form of an image.
Is the file final? We create a Certified PDF. Both options avoid possible problems with missing fonts!